
Dermatological changes, which are the result of increased work of sebaceous glands, in biology correspond to the conflict of protection from attack. The sebaceous glands themselves are necessary for the body to protect the skin from damage by secreting sebum and this function directly indicates the content of the conflict. But the tone of the conflict we will determine by means of places of change of the dermis.
For example, a person will suffer if a reputation is damaged. When a man failed to “save face” because of the attack. If a person feels that the attackers, criticizing the words or thoughts of others fly in his back, the back will be struck. In addition, there are local conflicts that need to be solved when a person has felt for some reason the pollution of a certain area of the face or body.
have already written that for the conflict to move into the body, it must turn from a psychological to a biological one. To do this, five factors must come together. The event, and in the case of the altered derma – an attack, should happen unexpectedly and be perceived by man as a drama.
He will experience it in isolation, that is, his feelings will not share with anyone. He won’t see a way out of this situation: well, they scolded me. I couldn’t answer anything. It’s just a thing to wear. Lastly, it is almost impossible to live with this situation until it is resolved. Within himself, a person continues to think of these thoughts, because it is impossible to simply shrug them off.
sually people, dealing with the same as ether, say the following: “I am offended,” “I’m insulted,” “I can’t defend myself,” “I feel desecrated,” “I’ve lost face,” “my reputation is unfairly tarnished,” “my image is tarnished.”

You can guess why teenagers most often suffer from acne and acne. As a child, a person could be attacked by parents, brothers and sisters, classmates, teachers. Dad could have told his son, “Yeah, you’re a wimp, what are the girls going to look at?” “What the mirror is standing, the man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey and you correspond, go do something useful.” My mother could tell her daughter, “Well, you’re not beautiful, it’s okay, you can’t drink water from my face.” Classmates later added: “Yes, Petka will definitely never choose you, you are ugly.” And in adolescence, when attention and acceptance from peers is painfully important, and the sense of self-worth is not yet grown and lean around no one, the attack on the person becomes a powerful conflict.
But regardless of age, except for the attack from others, where the person felt drenched in mud, tarnished, denominated, soiled, there is also a self-attack. Calling yourself, rude self-criticism, picky to yourself. A constant sense of its unattractiveness.
The problem is often still that the presence of acne and acne and triggers this self-attack. A person, and before, not confident, begins to attack himself even more and scold for the fact that he is a “freak”, that he is “stained” and to the feeling of dirt in a figurative sense is added also a feeling of dirt from the skin changes themselves.
What is important here is to understand. When we see changes on the skin – it is already a phase of conflict restoration. At this stage there are redness, swelling, pus inflammation. There are just the same pimples and acne. It will take about as long as the conflict itself in its active phase to recover. How many people experienced this attack on themselves. But if during this period, instead of the usual careful skin care and giving it the opportunity to recover calmly, begin to attack yourself and for these unsightly changes, the conflict will be triggered every time and again. And the recovery will last much longer, or the skin will not have time to recover at all, and under the influence of the new conflict the process will only get worse.
Therefore, it is important to protect yourself and love, and not to attack and call, from the disorder that you are not like that.
To be in care of yourself: to eliminate dehydration, to provide sufficient humidity in the room.
If you and I are going to deal with the problems of derma in the session, I will start looking for conflict from the very first changes that you will remember. It was there that a hole in my own integrity, the feeling that everything is OK with me, was formed.
Come look for conflicts and heal.

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