In addition to the introductory information about these skin diseases, I will tell here my personal story of the fight against atopic dermatitis in my son.
So, what is atopic dermatitis, neurodermite and eczema from the point of view of biology?
Our skin suffers. Skin is the very fabric that comes into contact with the people around us and the environment. The biologist separates the epidermis and the dermis, as they have different functions and these tissues have evolved from different germ leaves. And this is the basic knowledge in dealing with internal conflicts. The fact is that the principle of classification of internal conflicts is based on the origin of an organ or tissue from a certain germ leaf. Here we all the time turn to the evolution of animal and human development and find conflicts based on the functions of organs and tissues.
Atopic dermatitis, eczema and neurodermitis are diseases of the upper layer of the skin – epidermis. It was formed from the last germ leaf of the ectoderma, which indicates a conflict of contact.
"I want to be closer to this man, but I can't." When our automatic brain hears such suffering, it begins to thin the skin to make contact with the desired person as close, more accessible as possible. In the active phase, during suffering, as long as the loved one is not with us and the skin thins, we feel nothing. But when a person finally appears and we get access to it, the phase of organ or tissue restoration begins. And then the thinning skin begins to build up the removed cells to return its thickness to normal. How does she do that? Using a variety of bacteria and viruses. Here we see inflammation, redness, itching, swelling, peeling, peeling.
If the conflict is resolved once and for all, the skin will recover, there will be no trace.
But, unfortunately, the diseases that I describe in the article are either permanently recurrent or so-called "hanging recovery" when the conflict of events is resolved, the recovery phase begins, but suddenly again contact is interrupted, a person begins to suffer and gets into an active phase. The skin just never has time to recover. To do this, our favorite object does not have to even physically leave. All this can happen in our heads for years.
It is important to know that the contact conflict does not only work towards desirability. Here we will always look, if not about the person, who On the contrary I do not want to see, with whom I do not want to contact. The epidermis will react equally in both directions. Most often we will understand this, based on the affected area on the body.
And as always, we will solve skin problems in children through working with my mother. It is in the violation of contact mother-child as a rule are all the answers. Including the unwanted contacts of the child best guessed by moms.