Ears: internal, middle, outer ear canal

I have already written in previous posts about why changes in tissues and organs occur: the conflict from psychological turns into biological. This happens when a person faced a shock, dramatic event, experienced it in isolation, did not find a solution and could not live with the unresolved conflict.
oday we will talk about the ears: the inner ear, the middle and the outer ear canal. For each of them there will be similar conflicts (they will differ because of the origin of tissues from different germ sheets) and I will describe them below on the items. Let me just remind you that our automatic brain, when transferring conflict from the psyche to biology, takes the formulations literally. It has no figurative meanings. The only tool of help that the brain has is to improve the body so that the person stops suffering. Therefore, after reading the following formulations of psychological conflicts, you will understand why our auditory organ is changing in one way or another.

It will be su
ject to territorial conflict: it is unbearable to hear about the enemy entering the territory and losing my territory.
Or the conflict of separation: I don't hear any more good words. There's too much silence in my life.
Or a conflict of attack: I don't believe my ears. I don't want to hear it all.

In the active phase of conflict, when a person suffers, there may be noise, ringing, tinnitus, hearing loss, otosclerosis, deafness, auditory nerve neuronoma.
uring the recovery phase, swelling can occur in the area of the brain that is responsible for hearing, and temporary greater hearing loss, chronic serous otitis.

The mucous membran
e is affected. evolutionarily it is the middle ear associated with the throat, so here to the information perceived by ear, added food conflicts – the capture of a piece. And then we will explore such things from the client's childhood as: inability or reluctance to eat, forcible feeding, inability to satiate, transition from breast to nipple, lack of communication with the mother through the digestive and hearing.
nd the basic conflict will sound like this: I can't capture important information.
he child wants to have/grab something, but he hears no all the time.
I'm afraid not to grab all the information at school/work.
I don't get praise.
I want to hear what's important in my family.
I really need to hear it.
I need words about love, approval.
I don't want to hear it because it's dangerous.
These words hurt me.

In the active phase, a tumor can develop (often we do not notice it, as the conflict is resolved and it is removed by bacteria).
n the recovery phase: puruly otitis, perforation of the eardrum, discharge from the ear, candidiasis of the middle ear.
he answer is to establish
he auditory bonds and therefore we will look for the conflict in the division and in the desire to connect through the hearing. Feeling separated from who the person wants to hear. Danger from what you hear.

The outer hearing canal tissue will be ulcerated in the active phase.
In the recovery phase may occur: erythema, swelling, itching of the skin of the outer ear canal, external otitis, dermatitis or boil.
t is important to add that in children, most of the problems with the ears will be due to the underlying programming phase (18 months before birth and 12 after) internal conflicts of parents, as well as the situation in the family while the child is growing. In this case, I work with moms. This is the most effective.

Come look for conflicts and heal.

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