Digestive system

The glandular tissues of the digestive system come from the entodermal germ leaf. Their function is to digest food, suck up nutrients and excrete uncooked residues. The digestive system is subject to the brain stem – evolutionarily the oldest part of the brain responsible for managing the main vital functions – breathing, metabolism and some movements. The brain barrel is incapable of thinking or learning. These are just programmed regulators that ensure the survival of the mind.

⠀So much of it becomes clear to us why in Biology all changes in the digestive system will be associated with internal conflicts of the "piece". By a piece, Biologicals understands our basic needs: air, water, food, procreation. In general, the conflicts of the digestive system can be described as " I can't digest this piec
e."Some event that happened to us, or the information that has been heard by us, is so dramatic and traumatic that we cannot live with it. It is a conflict that prevents us from being calm and happy. The stress we "swallowed" and it "stuck" in some areas of the digestive system.⠀There ar
as of the digestive system where the changes occurred will depend on the age of the conflict and its contamination. The closer the changes to the esophagus, the fresher the conflict is and the less dirty the person perceives the situation. The closer the conflict to the rectum, the more "shity" the event has happened and the longer a person has been going throu
h it. ⠀In my next posts I will be disassembling separately areas of the digestive system, because there are important details inherent in a particular conflict that caused changes in a particular part of the gastroi
testinal tract.⠀Sing an example, vomiting will show us the desire to avoid the unwanted "piece." Gazas – on the desire to push through somehow stuck problems. Diarrhea – the inability to say "no" or the desire to accelerate too alarming impending proc
ss.⠀Raxive cells in a particular area of the digestive system will indicate the body's desire to help digest and get rid of the conflict "piece" as soon as possible. In turbocharged mode. Because, according to Dr. Hamer's experiment, the cancer cells of the stomach mucosa secrete enzymes and acids that are 10 times more effective than the original cells of the same mucosa. ⠀This,
s in all my previous posts, I want to remind you that the solutions offered to us by our body in response to psychological conflicts are ineffective. Therefore, it is important for all of us to resolve internal conflicts at the level of the psyche, not allowing them to turn into biological conflicts and without waiting for diseases. And if they happen, help the doctors to speed up your recovery, seeking help from psychosomatologists.

Ait come to solve conflicts and heal.

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